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Sag­o­na, M., Dai, T., Macis, M., & Dar­d­en, M. (2025). Trust in AI-assist­ed health sys­tems and AI’s trust in humans. Npj Health Sys­tems, 2(1), 10.–00016‑5
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Dai, T., & Abrà­moff, M. D. (2023). Incor­po­rat­ing Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence into Health­care Work­flows: Mod­els and Insights. In Tuto­ri­als in Oper­a­tions Research: Advanc­ing the Fron­tiers of OR/MS: From Method­olo­gies to Appli­ca­tions (pp. 133–155). INFORMS.