Johns Hopkins University has a long tradition of applying Operations Research to improve healthcare operations. Indeed, Johns Hopkins, home to the U.S. Army Operations Research Office between 1948 and 1958, is the birthplace of the field of healthcare operations management in the United States.
The Johns Hopkins Symposium on Healthcare Operations (JHSHO), started in 2016, has a dedicated theme for each symposium and feature global thought leaders from both academia and practice. Hosted by Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and supported by Johns Hopkins University’s business, medical, and public health faculty, the symposium series aims to (1) showcase cutting edge operations research applied to healthcare, and (2) facilitate exchange between academics, practitioners, and policy makers in a multidisciplinary platform.
The 3rd Johns Hopkins Symposium on Healthcare Operations (2021)
Sponsored by Hopkins Business of Health Initiative
Symposium website:
October 15, 2021, Friday, 1pm–5:30pm (Eastern Time)
The third symposium, sponsored by the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative, focuses on supply chain resilience, an urgent mandate emerging from painful and teachable moments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This symposium features pioneering supply chain scholars — including Willy Shih (Harvard), David Simchi-Levi(MIT), Christopher S. Tang (UCLA), and Sridhar Tayur (Carnegie Mellon) — and government speakers from CDC (Maryann D’Alessandro), FDA (Tammy R. Beckham), and HHS (John Fredenberg and Bryan Heartsfield) to spotlight cutting-edge research in supply chain resilience and develop pandemic-proof supply chain solutions.
The 2nd Johns Hopkins Symposium on Healthcare Operations (2019)
Download the program of the second symposium (PDF)
The theme of our second symposium, held on April. 26, 2019, is “Health Organizational Design—Where Operations Management Meets Organization Theory.” This symposium brought together leading scholars, physicians, and policy makers to share cutting-edge research and practice in health organizational design. Among featured speakers are OM/OB scholars such as Margaret Brandeau (Stanford), Kamalini Ramdas (London Business School), Hummy Song (Wharton), Kathleen M. Sutcliffe (Hopkins), Anita Tucker (Boston University), and Senthil Veeraraghavan (Wharton); leading physicians such as Allen Kachalia and Joshua M. Sharfstein (both of Hopkins); and policymakers such as Michael J. Lipp (CMS).
For more information about the symposium, please visit:
The Inaugural Johns Hopkins Symposium on Healthcare Operations (2016)
Download the program of the first symposium (PDF)
The theme of our first symposium, held on October 1, 2016, is “When Organ Transplantation Meets Operations Research.”
Among speakers are OM scholars such as Itai Ashlagi (Stanford), Baris Ata (ChicagoBooth), Dimitris Bertsimas (MIT), Sommer Gentry (USNA), Pinar Keskinocak (Georgia Tech), Andrew Schaefer (Rice), Sridhar Tayur (Carnegie Mellon); leading surgeons such as John Roberts (UCSF), Robert Montgomery (NYU/Johns Hopkins), and Benjamin Philosophe (Johns Hopkins); and organ-transplant policymakers such as Charles Alexander, President and CEO of Maryland’s Organ Procurement Organization and former President of UNOS.
For more information about the symposium, please visit: